Purple Rocket Podcast Collab

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At Brighter Fun, we’re huge fans of podcasts. Throughout the day we might queue up a favorite podcast to enjoy while working, cooking dinner, or digging in the garden. We especially enjoy story-driven podcasts, episodes the whole family can listen to simultaneously. Imagine our happiness to discover the Purple Rocket Podcast - a Parent’s Choice award podcast we can all love!

A well-known psychologist, Louis Cozolino, noted in his book, The Social Neuroscience of Education, that “Brains grow best in the context of supportive relationships, low levels of stress, and through the creative use of stories.” The host of Purple Rocket Podcast, Greg Webb, understands this principle and creatively uses narratives to create fun fields of imagination where kids can roam safe and free. Additionally, Webb manages to weave facts, vocabulary, and science into these narratives at a time when kids are primed to learn and retain that information.

Wired Magazine dubbed Purple Rocket Podcast one of the best kids' podcasts on Earth and noted that each episode will “feature an elaborate array of voices, ambient sounds, and music to help bring the stories to life. These are very much in the spirit of old radio plays like The Shadow.” We agree that Greg’s craftsmanship in each episode shines through incredibly!

Given all this, we were pleased to connect with Greg and collaborate to create a stand-alone episode that emphasizes the importance of feelings and emotions: A Girl Called Zebra. Greg purchased a copy of Animal Chat for his kids and was inspired to write this episode! We were also thrilled to send him a copy of our new book - Happy Puppy, Angry Tiger.

Please listen and share with friends and family.

Apple Podcast

Spotify Podcast

Google Podcast

Kidslisten Podcast


National Parent Product Award!


Happy Puppy, Angry Tiger